More of a memoir to the plains, the riverine, the places where things are grown. Most days, backcountry dirt coats my dashboard from open-window summer drives or waist-deep water swirls around me, setting the fishing-line to twist, twirl and jitterbug over the reflective rivers. Lowlands is a portfolio dedicated to time; more aptly, me taking my time and finding aspects that create both the geological and cultural foundation of these mountains. The human hand has been – and is so-prevalent in the cultivating and quilting of the lowland spaces of Montana. Lowlands holds up a mirror to the everyday aspects of rural Montana, and as a mirror presents the ordinary subjects that may typically fail to elicit intrigue on their own, instead showing them as incredible objects in their own rite. I often find there to be overly romanticized filters put on Montana, with hyper-saturated panoramas and colorful, sweeping vistas that dilute the more singular or normal subjects. But above all else, Lowlands has a more contemplative and slow focus; an earthier feel. The images have a tendency to depict the past that remains visible today: the visual aspects that continue to reverberate the pathways of the past.
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